Svevia chooses Sherpas Project portal

Sherpas Project Portal is a solution for managing offers and/or projects directly in Microsoft Teams with ready-made digital solutions for project diaries, management systems, project organization as well as checklists and protocols.

The solution facilitates the creation of team spaces by ensuring that they are given names, appearance and functions, folders and files according to a predetermined process and a predetermined content.

Svevia wants to use Microsoft Teams for collaboration within the business and also together with external parties. Sherpas Project Portal will help Svevia to easily and controlled work with Microsoft Teams and get a good overview of active and archived projects.

As standard in Microsoft Teams, owners of a team can manually configure the team based on their specific needs, which means that many teams will contain several different parts depending on the individual's thoughts about what a workspace should contain. Additionally, naming and enforcing policies will be difficult to enforce.

By using Sherpas Project Portal, Svevia defines how different types of teams are created and named including channels, folder and document structures, tabs and applications. Graphic elements are also applied to each team through the consistent use of images and logos.

Reduces the amount of manual work

When all steps are automated, an administrator at Svevia is no longer needed to create teams in a controlled way when users need them. Through self-service, users can create teams themselves and a lot of time is saved as they do not have to do exactly the same configuration for each team.

Users can start the provisioning process all by themselves, and the creation and configuration of the workspace is done automatically. Sherpas Project Portal will also be configured for Svevia so that certain types of teams require approval to be created. This allows both administrators and users to focus on the tasks that are important and that cannot be automated as easily.

The assignment includes licenses, introduction and training.

About Svevia

Svevia are specialists in building and maintaining roads and infrastructure. Their approximately 2,100 employees are located at approx. 100 locations in Sweden and Norway. They have a turnover of approx. SEK 8.9 billion. They build and maintain bridges, airports, ports, railways, parks, roads and other infrastructure.

Sherpas Group AB

Skellefteå (Headquarters)
Skeppargatan 23, 931 29 Skellefteå
Exchange: +46 910 508 00

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Support: +46 910 508 25

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